St. John The Baptist

Confirmation Formation

Confirmation Update April 27, 2021

  • Confirmation will take place this Thursday at 7:00 pm in the church. 
  • Students and sponsors should arrive at 6:30pm at the school, other guests should go directly to the church side parking lot entrance. Church doors open at 6:30. 
  • Each student is permitted 6 guests. We are at capacity, no additional seating is available. 
  • Masks are required for all. If you or someone in your family is feeling ill or has been around someone who has tested positive for COVID, please contact my office to make other arrangements for the safety of all.
  • Here is the link for the Confirmation liturgy- share this link with your family and friends who are unable to attend the liturgy in person. This link is also on our parish website.
  • Any Photo order forms not yet submitted should be sent in with the student on the day of Confirmation and given to the check in person at the school. 
  • Professional Photos will be taken at the end of Liturgy, please remain in your seats until you are called. 
  • If there are any typographical errors on the child's certificates, please reach out to my office on Friday. 
If you have any questions please contact my office directly. 
Mrs Sandona
April 14, 2021
Hello Families, 
A reminder that the Mandatory Practice for Confirmation students along with their Sponsor or Adult will take place next week on Tuesday and Thursday. 
If you originally signed up for the 5:30 mass then your practice is on Tuesday April 20th at 6:00pm. 
If you originally signed up for the 7:30 mass then you practice is on Thursday April 22nd at 6:00pm. 
Please arrive a few minutes before practice so that you can be checked in and seated. 
Please also bring with you the Confirmation photo order forms. Give them to the person checking you in
You will also be asked to verify the spelling of the students name and their chosen saint name. 
Practice should take no longer than 1 hour. 
If you have any questions please reach out to me via email. 
Mrs Sandona
March 26. 2021
Hello Families.
I have some new information for you regarding Confirmation and the Confirmation Retreat. 
Please when you are finished with this email if you feel you still have questions, call my office- 659-0023 ext 106
With the loosening up of some restrictions it has been decided that all of the Confirmations will take place together at one mass instead of at 2 different masses. See the new information below.
  • Confirmation Mass will remain on April 29th 
  • Mass will be held at 7:00pm for all students. The 5:30 and 7:30 masses have been cancelled. 
  • Each student will have 1 pew and they are able to seat 7 guests in that pew.  Of those 7 guests one of them needs to be the Sponsor.  
  • Originally the number of guests permitted was 5, you have gained 2 additional seats. Please know that all of your guests will be seated in your one pew. Your Confirmation student will also be seated in your pew however they do not count in the guest count. We are at capacity so this number is a firm number and it will not change.
  • Currently I would love to move to just one practice session, however, I know some of you have made arrangements with your sponsors to be at the assigned practice. Therefore I will keep the practice dates the same. See below
  • Group 1-Those who were signed up for the 5:30 mass will have practice on April 20th at 6:00pm
  • Group 2- Those who were signed up for the 7:30 mass will have practice on April 22nd at 6:00pm. 
  • A separate email will come out the week before practice times.
  • All seats will be reserved and we will be at capacity for our building so walkins are not permitted
  • Doors will open for Confirmation mass at 6:30pm. . 
The decision has been made to have a one day retreat instead of a two day retreat. The retreat was originally scheduled for April 10th and 11th.
  • The retreat is now confirmed for Sunday April 11th.
  • Retreat will begin promptly at 9:00am and end with closing mass at 7:15pm. Doors will open at 8:45. Enter Door A of St John School. Dress is casual but appropriate for mass
  • This retreat has an intentional process that the students will work through throughout the day, therefore, they must be present for the entire day. Retreat is required per our Bishop. Permission slips if needed will be sent under a separate email
  • Breakfast will not be provided please make sure your child has eaten before arriving.
  • Retreat is for Confirmation students only. 
  • Cell phones will be collected at the start of the retreat and returned at lunch time and dinner time. If you need to reach anyone during the retreat hours please use my cell phone (219-616-5341)
  • Lunch and Dinner will be provided for the students during the retreat.
  • Snacks will be accepted as donations from families if you are able. We will make whatever is donated available to the students. I will not have other snacks on hand. I will have a water jug available with cups. Suggestions for snacks would be-  Water, cookies, granola bars, snack cakes and bagged chips and crackers are all good choices. These items should be brought in when the student arrives for the retreat. Wer have 38 students who will be in attendance and a team of 12  group leaders and 5 team members.
  • Students will participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation during the retreat
  • Retreat will end with Mass which is scheduled to begin at 7:15pm. This mass is open to family members and sponsors. Reservation will be required for this mass. Please call the rectory to reserve your seats by April 9th. Each student is able to have up to 7 guests for mass. Those without a reservation will not be seated. Doors will open at 7:00pm. Masks are required. This mass meets the Sunday Mass obligation.
  • There is not a fee for the retreat. That is covered in the Confirmation fee. Rather I am hopeful that donations of snack food would be provided.  
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. 
Mrs Sandona


Confirmation Update -

Good Afternoon, 

Our Student and Sponsor session is scheuled for Sunday 2/21/2021 at 1:00pm via Zoom

The link is posted below, the password has been emailed to you. Students should plan to attend this session with their sponsor. If the sponsor is not available then the student should still attend Live with their parent or other adult, then watch the recording during the week with their sponsor. 

The recording will be posted on this posting on Monday. 

Mrs Sandona 

Student Sponsor Session 2/21/21




February 9, 2021

The Bishop has just notified us that Confirmation will take place on April 29th at 5:30 and 7:30 pm at St John the Baptist Church. 
Sign up will open on Tuesday February 16, 2021
Families may begin to sign up for the 5:30 or 7:30 mass once all paperwork (Sponsor Form, Sacramental Record for Student) and fees (25.00) have been submitted for their child
If you are not sure if all paperwork has been submitted, I will let you know when you call. I can not reserve or hold spots at a mass until all the above is submitted.                                                                Please call the Rectory-219-659-0023  and ask to speak with my office- ext 106. 
Please note that emails are not accepted as a means to sign up for a mass time. 
When you call my office you must have the number of guests that will be attending with you. Each student has a total of 5 seats, of those 5 seats- 1 is for the student, 1 is for the Sponsor, the other 3 are for family members/guests.  
Because of capacity restrictions each mass will have a limit of 18 Candidates. 
In his letter confirming the date Bishop McClory stresses that it is his expectation that all Candidates for Confirmation participate in a Retreat and the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to receiving Confirmation. The Confirmation retreat is scheduled for April 10 and 11 with Reconciliation taking place during the Retreat. More information will follow shortly. 
It is a tradition at most parishes as well as here at St John the Baptist for the Candidates preparing for Confirmation to write a letter expressing their desire and thoughts as they prepare to receive this Sacrament. More information on these letters will be included in the Retreat information packet. Please have the young people begin thinking about this letter. 
Service documentation will be due at the time of Retreat and will be submitted to our Pastor along with the above letters. 
All questions and concerns regarding Confirmation should be directed to my office. 

Mrs. Sandona


Confirmation Formation Session scheduled for Sunday January 24, 2021 at 12:30pm will be held via Zoom, follow this link > Confirmation Orientation/Information SessionThis session is for the parent and student. Password has been emailed to you. Please let me know if you have any questions. 
Mrs Sandona


Below are the links to the documents for Confirmation Students. 

Links to the Sacrament Formation Sessions will be posted below. 

If you have any questions or need assistance with any of this information please contact the Office of Faith Formation 

Mrs Sandona 

Sacrament Formation Letter

Confirmation Family Letter

Sacrament of Confirmation Calendar 2020 2021

Confirmation - Sacramental Record Form

Confirmation Sponsor Data Form

Confirmation Service Project