Save the Dates
FCSLA Senior Branch 81 ~ Junior Branch 58
- May 5th - Junior Branch Mathcing Funds Event- St John the Baptist School Race for Education Fundraiser
- May 7th- Annual Spring Luncheon- Croatian Hall, Merrillville, Indiana
- June 10th- District Meeting and Scholarship Luncheon- Scholarship winner and parents
- July 26th- St Anne's Day~ Chicago District to host
- August 4th- RailCats District Outing
- August 27th- Rev. John Kalicky Bench Rededication~10:30am mass, Refreshments afterwards
- October 5th-9th- 43rd Quadrennial Convention
- Junior Branch Outing
- November 19th- Senior Branch Matching Funds Event~ Carmelite Home Fundraiser at Dynasty Banquets~1:00pm
Please consider joining us for an event this year. All dates and locations are tentative. More details will be available closer to the events in the St John the Baptist bulletin or from your Branch Officers.