Description of our school and Church logo:
Shell: Medieval Christian symbol and instrument of pouring for Baptism; connection to St. John, the Baptizer. Often used during the Sacrament of Baptism at St. John the Baptist Church during Mass.
Practical connections: Baptism: Transformation in Christ. Death to old way of being and living, rebirth in Christ. Ongoing, baptized into Christ, the body, the community of faith. Authentic hope.
Dove: Symbolizes the Holy Spirit, who descended upon Jesus immediately after his Baptism by John the Baptizer. "This is my son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him," Mt. 3: 17.
Practical Connection: Holy Spirit allures us into the depths of Christ's love. Animator of life and peace. Connection to Sacrament of Confirmation for 8th graders. God reaffirms our fundamental identity: "In [you] I am pleased. [You] are abundantly good!"
Hand: Hand of John the Baptist declaring, "Prepare the way of the Lord," Mt. 3:3. Inscribed above the sanctuary in church.
Practical Connection: Love in Action. Theory and Praxis. Commissioning. Eucharist: take and become what you have received, the Body and Blood of Christ.
Chalice: Symbol of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, whose priests and brothers have served the parish and school in various capacities since 1921. "This is my Blood, do this in memory of me," Mk. 14:22.
Practical Connection: Reconciliation and integration of the whole person in Christ. Transformation. Blood goes where it's needed -- how will we?