Hello Families,
Please mark your calendars for September 8th!
Classes begin on this date at 9:00 am. We typically begin as a large group in the Cafeteria however this year we will begin in a different room on the lower level, please follow the signs.
Entry is Door B, however, Door A will also be open, and signs will be posted near each door to direct you to the location of our gathering. Our parish picnic taking place that day will pose parking and access obstacles, I will have the parking lot to the school open from 119th Street, or you can park in the church parking lot and walk over to the school.
After our brief meeting I will dismiss everyone to the classes for orientation with the teachers and general program information that will be shared from the teacher.
If you have not yet registered all of your children, or you know people who would like to send their child to our program. Please share the information and take care of signups as soon as possible. I want to make sure they are assigned to a class on the first day. Here is the link >https://www.cognitoforms.com/JaimeSandona/WRFaithFormationRegistration
As a reminder, students must be registered using the above link each year they attend classes here.
If you have already submitted a copy of their sacramental certificates you do not need to attach or bring in another copy.
In addition to September 8th being our first day of class, it is also our Parish and School family picnic.
There will be a special blessing for all children during the 10:30 am mass, the picnic will begin after mass and continue through 3:00 pm.
There will be hot dogs, burgers, pierogi, chips, water, pop, beer, and wine for purchase. Face painting and balloon characters as well as bounce houses for fun!! The bounce houses, face paint and balloons are all free for the children!
We will also have music and just time to visit with one another.
Cash and Credit will be accepted. We hope you can stay and enjoy some time as a community of faith!
Volunteers are always needed for events like these so if you have time and want to help, feel free to sign up here! > https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094FABAB2FA0FB6-50337958-church
We are very excited for a new year in formation with the children.
The following adults will serve as your children's teachers this year
Mrs.Kim Duha- RCIC Level 1(Pre K- 1st Grade Foundations)
Mrs. Desire Rodriguez- Level 2- (2nd grade and older-Reconciliation Preparation)
Ms. Kristen Stokolsa- Level 3- (3rd grade and older- Communion Preparation)
Mrs Amanda Garcia- Support -(All ages for children with other abilities)
Ms. Anna Flores- RCIC Level 2- (3rd grade and older- Children in their first year of faith formation or students returning after a missed year or more)
Mrs. Jennifer Whitefoot- RCIC Sacrament- (3rd grade and older- Children who are preparing to receive sacraments this year that they may have missed)
Ms Terri Rossi- Level 4-5 (4th and 5th grade students with prior enrollment in the program)
Mr. Alxavier Rodriguez- Level 6 (6th grade and older)
Mrs.Stephanie Franco- Confirmation Year 1(7th grade and older)
Mrs. Maureen Progar- Confirmation Year 2 (8th grade and older)
Mr Jorge Garcia- Program Support
Ms Anna Rodriguez- Classroom Aid
Ms Maite Navarro- Classroom Aid
Mr Dion Haluska- Classroom Aid
Please help me welcome and support our team!
I look forward to seeing you all on September 8th.
Mrs. Jamie Sandona
Pastoral Associate/ Director of Religious Education
Virtus Site Administrator
St John the Baptist Parish and School
Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community
1849 Lincoln Ave
Whiting, IN 46394
219-659-0023 ext.106
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
Saint Mother Teresa