St. John The Baptist

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October Update

It has been a very busy first few weeks of classes. Thank you all for your patience and understanding as the children are moved into different classes to meet their needs. I am hopeful that by next week we will be settled and the students in the classroom that will serve them best until January. 

Please know that I am in the rooms throughout the class times, watching and interacting with the students. If I notice anything from the students that would indicate that they are not in the correct class, I will make the adjustments shortly thereafter. A lot is going on in the faith community over the next few weeks, here is an update

Within the next couple of weeks, the students will be given the Basic Catholic Teaching Inventory questionnaire during class time. Please know that this is not a test, it is an opportunity for me to take a look at what our students know, and how best I can support them in any areas of faith that they may need extra support. 

With the program underway, I want to send a gentle reminder that the children along with their parents must attend mass on Sundays. If your family is not worshipping here at St John, please make sure I know where you are attending. Children should be using their envelopes each week at mass, and parents should be using theirs so that we know that you are in church. 

Sunday, October 13th is our first Family Day and Family Mass of the program year. For our new families, this is an opportunity for all of us to come together for a prayer, a brief conversation with the adults and children, and then side by side in the classroom with the students. This month our students in Level 1 Mrs Duhas's class will receive their Guardian Angel medals during our Family Day. I hope you can join us. Then of course attend mass with your family followed by free donuts, coffee, juice, and milk after mass in the cafeteria!

A very special thank you to the young people and their families who were able to attend the St Therese Novena, especially the closing of the Novena. Our young people were perfect and a beautiful addition to the novena closing.  

Some highlights from this past month---

Our support class made their way around to the other classrooms sharing God's love with other children in the program, it was a little paper heart that they wrote their name on and handed out to the other students, they also went on a trip over to the Church and saw the beautiful St Therese Altar.

Level 4 and 5 are learning a class prayer as well as vocal prayers and song. 

Ms Kris in Level 3 celebrated her birthday this past week. 

Level 6 watched a video history of St Therese and C1 watched the history of Mother Theresa. 

Movie Night was a huge success and the kids all had a great time!

Sacrament Updates

  • Last week I held the Sacrament Orientation sessions for students in 2nd, 3rd, and older grades who are preparing for the sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and Communion. For the students who did not make the sessions, your packets have been sent home. Please let me know if you have any questions. 
  • This week the 1st and 2nd Years of Confirmation Orientation sessions, (1st year was last night) 2nd-year students, along with their parents have their session tonight at 6 pm in the cafeteria. 
  • For the students who did not attend the Confirmation Level 1 session yesterday, but hope to begin the formation process for the sacrament,  your packets will be sent home, there is a worksheet that will need to be completed and returned.

Baptism Formation Session for parents wishing to have their child under the age of 7 baptized will be held on Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 pm in the Founders Room of the School. Please call the rectory if you would like to register for this session. If you have an older child, please also give me a call and I will share with you the process for baptizing our older children. 

RCIA- For all adults over the age of 18 who would like to receive their sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and or Confirmation, please call my office or email me. We will be having an RCIA orientation session next Thursday to begin the preparation process. RCIA Adults receive their sacraments typically at the Easter Vigil or on Pentecost Sunday. 

Trunk or Treat  Event will take place on October 25th from 5-8 pm. As always this is a free public event. We will once again host the cars in the school parking lot, indoor games, HSA concessions, and coming back this year will be the Haunted House! 

haunted house team is needed, I am looking for Adults who would like to come and help run the Haunted house this year. We have a lot of ideas and plans, with plenty of room for more, but we need help to put it all in place. SO... if you have a spooky side to you and a little bit of free time, come join us on Friday at 2:00 pm in the School Founders room to talk about the next steps. If you can not make it during the daytime and would still like to help, please let me know via email and we will set the next planning date for next week in the evening. I have a working document with the current needs listed, if you would like to donate any of the items for this year's usage, please just add your name next to the items >

If you would like to enter your car for the Trunk or Treat, please sign up early as we ran out of spots last year. Cars will need to provide their decor and goodies to pass out! The event is from 5-8 and for safety purposes, once the cars are in the lot they must remain in the lot until the event ends. Car judging will take place at 7:00 pm with awards shortly after. Here is the sign-up link>

Our Annual Pet Blessing will take place this Saturday, October 5th in the church parking lot at noon. ALL pets and animals are welcome to attend for a special prayer service, blessing, and of course a certificate! No registration is necessary just come on over with all the pets!

Our Lady of Guadalupe practices begin on Monday, October 7th at 6 pm for Dance and choir practice, and Tuesday, October 8th for Play practice. Please meet me in the church. 

Adult Faith Sessions resume this Tuesday with Jesus in the Eucharist session at 6:00 pm in the Founders room.

PHYRE Youth ministry programming is underway for middle school students. We meet every other Wednesday from 2:45 to 4:00 in the Founders Room of the school, enter door A, and proceed to the lower level.                                              In the most recent session, we talked about the Haunted House event and then transitioned into poverty in Northwest Indiana and how it impacts the iindividuals when it comes to their health and choices about food options. The goal of the conversation is how we respond to situations like this and what options we have to respond. 

Thank you to all the young people from Faith Formation who attended the Altar Server training last week. The schedule will be sent out shortly. If you have not yet turned in your availability sheet, please do so. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

I hope to see you on October 13th


Mrs Sandona

Mrs. Jamie Sandona

Pastoral Associate/ Director of Religious Education

Virtus Site Coordinator
St John the Baptist Parish and School
Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community

1849 Lincoln Ave

Whiting, IN 46394

219-659-0023 ext.106


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