St. John The Baptist

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November Update

November Faith Formation Update

I hope you and you and your family are healthy. The trends right now of this pandemic is a bit scary, so please do what you can to stay safe. We are monitoring the numbers very closely as we look forward to next months decisions for in person classes. I will keep you informed.

Below will be a list of bullet point updates for everyone, please read through this entire post for any information that might pertain to you and your child.


  • Attendance is taken weekly at each class level. Students must attend the class either Live during the scheduled Zoom class or the recording. Because our classes are recorded and posted on to the website attendance is mandatory within the week of the class posting. In reviewing the attendance for each class Level, I have concerns. Children must attend class if they wish to move on to the next grade level as well as to prepare and receive their sacrament (if applicable). This (attendance) is not optional this year since we are remote learning. Virtual learning is difficult for everyone and I do understand, however the flexibility of our program is lenient to say the least. Below are some guidelines to be aware of. Please note that if you are having difficulties accessing the weekly lessons please contact me immediately so I can help. 
    • For Live class, the students must turn on their cameras during the class. I personally watch most of these classes each week and I find that the children- do not have their cameras on, or do not participate at all. It is extremely hard to track understanding if we cannot see the child or if the child does not interact at all. If you could help by speaking with your child and let them know that cameras need to be on and if they could please participate in the class.
    • Family Faith Sessions are held one time each month. These sessions are intended for the Child along with their parent or adult care provider. The activities are geared toward the family unit rather than just the child. Please try to attend this session with your child or watch the session during the week with them
    • Homework must be submitted to the child’s teacher following their procedures. Homework is tracked for attendance purposes, please have them do the work.
    • Mass Attendance- Bishops of Indiana have extended the dispensation for mass for those who are in fragile health environments. If your child is not in a fragile health environment, then the letter from the Bishops indicates that they should be attending weekly in person mass. For those in the fragile health environments we offer a Live stream of the weekly 10:30 am mass on our parish website.
      • Our church is open to the pre-pandemic mass schedule to allow for less people at each mass. Reservations are required as there is limited seating. Face masks and temperature checks for everyone in the church building. Sanitizing of all pews and touch surfaces takes place after each mass.
      • Weekly mass attendance is still tracked using the child’s weekly envelopes. If your child is in the fragile health environment, then they should submit their envelopes during the week and include in the envelope indicating that they are at home mass participants. This will help my office better track the child’s participation in the life of the church community.

Sacrament Information

  • If your child is in a Sacramental Grade of- Level 2, Level 3, or Confirmation Level 2 then you should have received a packet of information via the USPS. All information is also posted onto our parish website under the Faith Formation/Sacrament Tab. Students in Level Confirmation Level 1 did not receive a packet. I will meet with them during an upcoming Zoom Class.
  • If you have not received a packet of information and you feel your child should have received one, please contact me asap so I can get one out to you and adjust my records.
  • Please note the Formation session scheduled for January for all the students in the Sacrament Grade levels. I will be joining that weekly class with the teacher and go over the packets and information pertaining to the specific sacrament. If you have any questions ahead of that meeting please reach out to me via or office phone of 219-659-0023
  • Copies of Sacrament Certificates are needed for the students who have not previously submitted them. I will let you know if January during the meeting if your child needs to submit them.
  • Sacrament forms and fees are due by the deadline, please adhere to this date so that I can be prepared for the meeting in January.

Family Mass

Family Mass is not the same as it used to be with all the restrictions in place. However, we still have a family mass to bring the community together for an opportunity to experience mass with their family. The music takes on a more contemporary sound and our younger musicians lead the Liturgy. Family mass is held the 2nd Sunday of every month at 10:30 am for in person and Live Stream.  If you have a child who is in High School or older who might be interested in participating with this new sound of mass, please reach out to me. We are looking for more vocalists and musicians. Currently we have 3 cantors, 2 drummers, Guitar player and a Pianist.

Program needs

Currently our program is operating with an extremely limited number of teachers. This is a particularly challenging time for the teachers who have taken on a number of classes each week in addition to their jobs, family responsibilities and personal needs. To say that I am incredibly grateful for their dedication and support of our Faith Formation Program is an understatement, I could never oversee this program without them. With I need to take a moment to ask If you or someone you know might be interested in teaching one of the open grade levels. I would provide all the training and supplies. I just need someone who is willing to walk a journey of faith with the young people in our community. If interested, please reach out to me. And to my teachers who have had to step away this year for family needs, I admire you for the commitment to your family first! You are and always will be a blessing to our program family is always first.  

If you have any questions- Please reach out to me directly-

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

Mrs. Sandona



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