Confirmation Update
The Bishop has just notified us that Confirmation will take place on April 29th at 5:30 and 7:30 pm at St John the Baptist Church.
Sign up will open on Tuesday February 16, 2021
Families may begin to sign up for the 5:30 or 7:30 mass once all paperwork (Sponsor Form, Sacramental Record for Student) and fees (25.00) have been submitted for their child.
If you are not sure if all paperwork has been submitted, I will let you know when you call. I can not reserve or hold spots at a mass until all the above is submitted. Please call the Rectory-219-659-0023 and ask to speak with my office- ext 106.
Please note that emails are not accepted as a means to sign up for a mass time.
When you call my office you must have the number of guests that will be attending with you. Each student has a total of 5 seats, of those 5 seats- 1 is for the student, 1 is for the Sponsor, the other 3 are for family members/guests.
Because of capacity restrictions each mass will have a limit of 18 Candidates.
In his letter confirming the date Bishop McClory stresses that it is his expectation that all Candidates for Confirmation participate in a Retreat and the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to receiving Confirmation. The Confirmation retreat is scheduled for April 10 and 11 with Reconciliation taking place during the Retreat. More information will follow shortly.
It is a tradition at most parishes as well as here at St John the Baptist for the Candidates preparing for Confirmation to write a letter expressing their desire and thoughts as they prepare to receive this Sacrament. More information on these letters will be included in the Retreat information packet. Please have the young people begin thinking about this letter.
Service documentation will be due at the time of Retreat and will be submitted to our Pastor along with the above letters.
All questions and concerns regarding Confirmation should be directed to my office.
Mrs. Sandona