Confirmation Candidates, you are seated in the seats you, along with your Sponsor and household members will be seated in for Confirmation Mass. Your other guests will be seated in the empty pews. The Confirmation Certificate along with any other student materials and worship supports will be in the pew.
Arrival –
- All students and sponsors should plan to be here 15-30 minutes prior to the start of their Mass.
- Please know that no one will be permitted into the church building until the church has been sanitized from the previous mass. So please plan your arrival accordingly, and socially distance yourself as you wait outside to be checked in and seated
- Students, Sponsor, and guests will check in at the front doors when they arrive. Please look for the signs to indicate which door.
- Check in will include a temperature check, the request for last name, and then you will be escorted to your seats by an usher. Masks are required for everyone.
- Worship aids will be provided for everyone, please make sure you take this with you when you leave.
- Please do not walk around the church once you have been seated. Socially distance yourself while you wait in the line to be seated.
- Mass will begin promptly at 5:30 and 7:30 pm and will be Live streamed onto our parish website-www.stjohnbap.org
- We are at seating capacity therefore no persons will be seated if they do not have a reservation by name.
- Parents were mailed and emailed a ½ sheet of paper to keep track of their guests. I will meet with parent/sponsor right after this brief practice to collect and go over the reservations. This process will take place while the students are participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- Candidates name will be posted on the wall in the back of church, this is where they are to stand and wait for the opening procession to begin. When instructed the Candidates should move to their name tags, maintaining a social distance between themselves as they move to their spot.
- Ushers will guide them as to when to begin the opening procession.
- Students will walk in procession down the center of the aisle maintaining a 6 ft spacing between each other. The ropes on the pews indicate 6 feet.
- Once at the front of the church (there is tape on the floor) the students should bow in reverence to the Altar, then turn to the side of the church they are seated on and proceed to their seats.
- Family members will be standing in the pew directly behind where the Candidate will be seated. Once the student enters their pew, the family should follow them into the pew. (The students name will be posted on the end of the pew that they should be seated in)
- Our ushers will also be present to direct the movement and put the ropes back into their proper place. / Practice
- Mass will proceed as typical mass presided over by our Bishop.
- Candidates will be asked to stand up by Fr Mark, right after the reading of the Gospel but before the Homily. Bishop McClory will then ask the Candidates the following
- “Do you desire to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you in the Sacrament of Confirmation” The Candidates should respond loudly and clearly so the Bishop can hear you “I DO”
- The candidates will then be asked to be seated by the Bishop.
Rite of Confirmation
- Following the Homily is the Renewal of Baptismal Promises. After each of the promises is read by the Bishop, the Candidates should respond “I Do” loud enough for the Bishop to hear them.
- Candidates will then be seated while the Anointing takes place.
- Please follow the directions of myself and the ushers.
- Candidates and their sponsor should exit the pew and move forward to the indicated location for the anointing
- Sponsor should have the Saint Name tag with them. This Name tag should be held over the left shoulder of the Candidate as they approach the Bishop. Sponsors right hand should be on the shoulder of the Candidate
Responses for the Candidate-
- Bishop will say: “{N} be sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit”
- Newly Confirmed will respond: “Amen”
- Bishop will say” “Peace be with you.”
- Newly Confirmed responds: “And with your spirit”
- Once the Candidate has received their sacrament they should return to their seats.
Sacrament Photographs
- A photograph will be taken of each of the Candidates as they are anointed by the Bishop. Please follow the directions of the Bishop, his Master of Ceremonies, and our photographer. If the Sponsor is too close to the Candidate during the anointing, then the Sponsor will be in the photo.
- These photos are being provided to you the family free of charge by the Faith Formation Office. They will be available for pickup at the Rectory once they are developed and assembled. The photos will not be mailed to you, I will email you when they are ready
Following the anointing, we will begin the Eucharistic Preparations. Again, please follow the directions of the Ushers.
- Everyone on the Mary Side (Baptismal Font Side) of the Church will go to Communion first, followed by the Joseph Side.
- If you or one of your guests are not currently able to receive the Eucharist, we ask that you still move forward with the rest of those gathered and receive a blessing from the clergy. Simply place your arms across your chest and the clergy will offer you blessing instead of the Eucharist
- There will be two stations to receive the Eucharist. Those seated in the front section of the church will go to the front station which is in the center aisle, those seated in the back section of the church will go to the center of the church in the center aisle. Please follow the directions of the Ushers
- Hand Sanitizer is required before approaching the Bishop, Priest or Deacon
- Masks are required while you approach the Clergy
- Communion will be under one species, the Body of Christ.
- Once you receive the Eucharist you should step to the side, lower you mask and consume the Eucharist, and replace your mask.
- Return to your seat and remain standing until everyone gathered has returned to their seats and the Tabernacle has been closed.
End of Mass
There is not a procession out. As there is not a group photo. So please remain seated until the mass has ended which is just a few moments after the music has ended. This is to accommodate the appropriate end to the Live Stream.
Photos with the Bishop
Once the Live stream has ended the Bishop will make his way to a designated spot for a Photo opportunity with the newly Confirmed. In order for this process to take place in a safe manner, the following directions need to be followed.
- Everyone must stay in their seats that they were seated in for the mass
- I will call Confirmandi up by name for their opportunity for a photo with the Bishop
- If you are not ready when called upon, I will circle back around to your family
- Newly Confirmed and Sponsor (if you wish) should be ready to come up to the Bishop for the photo when called upon.
- One person in the family should be prepared to come up with the newly Confirmed and Sponsor to take the photo.
- When you are finished taking the photo you and your family/guests will be directed out of the building.
- If you do not wish to take a photo with the Bishop, taken please indicate that to the Ushers and they will direct you to the proper door to exit the building.
- Again, in an overabundance of caution, please do not get up and walk around the church building.
Any items left in the building will be discarded at the end of mass. Please make sure you take everything with you.
Reconciliation for all Candidates will take place in the Centennial Room. Examination of Conscience and Sacrament Supports were provided when you arrived today. Please spend some time with this handout before entering the Sacrament of Reconciliation
While the students are participating in the Sacrament, I will meet with each of the families to collect and go over your guest list.
Once the students are finished with confession and I have spoken with you, you may leave.
In an effort to keep everyone attending this Confirmation Liturgy safe, if you or someone in your household has been asked to quarantine due to exposure to or close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID 19, we ask that you follow those directives and stay home. This Confirmation Liturgy will be Live streamed for those who are unable to attend due to distance, exposure, or general health.
If your family health situation changes between now and Monday, please contact my office to discuss the options. In addition, if you or one of your guests become ill following this Liturgy, please contact my office immediately.
Thank you for your patience as we have worked through this pandemic and have finally been able to bring these young people to this most beautiful Sacrament.
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Sandona