St. John The Baptist

Browsing Faith Formation Blog Update

1st Communion Option added


In an effort to meet the needs of you and your children, we wish to offer you another option when planning for your child's 1st Communion.

We provided you the two dates in October for Group Communion which are designated specifically for that special occasion. If these dates do not work for you, then you may consider having your child's 1st Communion on a Sunday during the Sunday Liturgy. The same guidelines would apply as far as seating (as long as the social distancing rules are in place). That is, only those who live in your household will be seated in your pew, masks must be worn during the entire time you are in the church.  

If the dates listed for 1st Communion do not work for you then please call my office and we can speak about this above option. 

Blessings to you and your family. 

Mrs Sandona


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